Interview DesK

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< 3i Infotech LimitedBEL >


(Server Technology)

###Written Test

Q1. Array Expansion
Input Array:a3b2c1
Output Array:aaabbc
Q2. Write a function to send a binary tree in a straight wire and receive it.
Q3. Write a function to play a list of songs in random manner.

###Interview(1st Round)
1.How to solve the question 1 with O(n),O(logn) time complexity.
2.Memory Management Scheme in UNIX OS.
3.Design the data structure for the efficient implementation of cache level memory.
4.Some basic questions on OOPS concept.
5.Pre-order traversal of a BST iteratively.
6.Questions on academic Projects.
7.Questions on File Systems.
8.Lamp Stack
9.ACID properties
10.Differentiate between mutex and semaphores.
11.How to find the nth node in a linked list.
###HR Round
Tell me something about yourself.
Some puzzles like 25horse puzzle,trunk problem.


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